Monday, July 26, 2010

Funny Kids

I have three nephews, teach kids dance, and have lots of friends with children.
I love the things that kids say!

* I was outside running around with my nephews and their friends at a Birthday party. Their friend is the size of my oldest nephew (at the time he was 4) . I asked my oldest nephew how old their friend was and he answered, "he's 2... but he's a big 2."

* After his 1st couple of days at a full day of school my oldest nephew became concerned about being gone from the house for so long. He's a bit dramatic, my sister-in-law explained, he had told her he was worried if he was away from the house for so long he would forget how to get to his room.

* My nephew had the word "sowing" on a sign he had made hanging on his wall. I tried to explain the word is actually spelled "s-E-wing." He sounded out the word again and exclaimed, "well that just doesn't make any sense."

* My nephew's explaination for calling his brother a doofus- "It's hard to remember his name." My sister-in-law decided, still not ok, but points for creativy.

* My nephew's take on Spanish- "It's just like English, only you talk faster and the words are different."

More to come no doubt...
* My 7 year old nephew, "Are you guys going to have kids soon?"
Me, "Well, I spend a day with you guys and I'm pretty exhausted, so we aren't in a rush. "
Him, "Mmmm, yea."
Me,"Plus you guys are pretty expensive to have."
Him, "We don't cost any money!"
Feel free to share your funny stories!

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